HomeThe A-Z of AI

The A-Z of AI

Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results
Explore-the-World-of-Machine-Learning   Explore the World of Machine Learning Discover how machine learning is revolutionizing industries and changing the way we...
Zeros & Ones, The Fundamental Building Blocks of Computing Computers can be used to perform a lot of complex tasks...
Uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables machines to behave like humans and to...
Robotics: The Study of Machines Built to Automate Tasks Robotics is the study of machines, known as robots, which are...
Watson, The First AI System to Beat a Human on a TV Game Show Introduction to Watson Watson is an...
X-ray AI Helping Doctors Improve Diagnoses AI is making a huge impact on the medical profession. By using advanced algorithms,...
The Benefits of Virtual Assistants In the modern world, virtual assistants are becoming an increasingly attractive option for busy people....
The Turing Test – Can Machines Think? The Turing Test is a famous test proposed by Alan Turing, a British...
Speech Recognition: Technology That Helps AI to Understand Human Speech The development of speech recognition technology has dramatically expanded the...
Quantum Computing: A Revolutionary new way of Computing Quantum computing is a revolutionary new way of computing utilizing the laws...